

《文化者》2024 六周年號 雜誌


「文化者 The Culturist 」簡介

— 龍應台

創立於2017年12月的文化者The Culturist,是針對華文世界的文化藝術平台,堅持每天都有自家製作的專訪、文化資訊甚至短片,抗衡內容農場和人有我有的大路新聞。

當點擊率是王,呃like成為記者專職,媒體的文化藝術版面先天而淪為票房毒藥。拍賣新聞只報導數字?Art Basel只關心哪位明星現身?揀飲擇食只盲從米芝蓮?我們相信有選擇,所以選擇做自媒體,當平實的報導員,記錄周遭的文化。


The Culturist – Independent art and cultural journalist

“Culture is a whoever walk by, his gesture, his smile and his overall temperament.” Lung Ying-tai.

The Culturist, established in December 2017, is a Chinese language online platform advocating for the promotion of arts and culture among the Chinese-speaking communities.

When hit rate is the King, getting how many likes are the main responsibilities for reporters, Art and cultural page become the poison for the distribution. Only figures are reported for auction news? Which celebrities showing up at Art Basel? Michelin guide is your bible when eating out? We believe we have choices, that’s why we choose to be an independent journalist, being an ordinary reporter, to record the culture around us.

We are producer for art & cultural programs, art & cultural tour guide, events and exhibitions organizer and we hope we could arouse the interest of art within the local community.

In addition, we also have a professional production team to produce cultural videos and short films for clients. Our clients include the LCSD, auction houses, galleries, art institutions and media organizations. In August 2019, we also had our own talk show ” Juicy Stories behind “, to talk about those underlined stories in Hollywood Road.